Sunday, March 29, 2015



”What Is Essential Is Invisible To The Eyes.”

Hello, I'm Kazu. On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Yasuyuki Sato who has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside), as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

"What is essential is invisible to the eyes" is a famous line of The Little Prince. 

As we go about our life, many of us are likely to pay attention to what we can see and find that time just passes by.

However, I immersed myself in wonderful time when I could savor the most essential thing in life that is absolutely invisible through the 2-day true self discovery seminar on this past weekends.

It was the Cosmic Consciousness Discovery Course, and people ranging from a junior high school boy to a couple in their 70s participated to discover their true nature inside. All the people had different purposes, goals, or problems with human dramas, but they all turned into different people after meeting the true self.

One junior high school student who had had a trouble with his friends realized that he had not been bullied, but his friends were telling something very important to him, after he discovered his true self. And he expressed his gratitude to all the people around him. I'm sure that his reality will accordingly change.

His father who joined with the boy was so much pleased to see his radiant face that he shed happy tears. It moved all the people in the room. 

There was a woman who had hated her mother for a long time and couldn't forgive her mother's behavior, because she thought she would get defeated if she forgave her mother. 

But finally this woman could find the true love and gratitude for her mother when she discovered her true nature within. She left for home with a tender smile on her face.

There was also a woman who could finally find her true mission or her goal in life. 

Another man who couldn't have accepted what happened to him in the past and regretted it for a substantial period of time has changed his perspective on his past.  He has realized a fact that he learned an important lesson from it and what had happened to him was absolutely necessary when he saw everything from the universal consciousness. 

All the roads leading up to the moment to discover the true self differed, but every life had its own drama.

People are wonderful and born with a tremendous potential inside them! This weekends  assured me of a fact that we have everything within and have a immense power that can solve all the problems. 











