Wednesday, March 18, 2015



What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave?

Hello, I'm Kazu. On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Yasuyuki Sato who has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside), as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

Many people strongly believe that their personality won't change. Do you really think so? Mr. Sato maintains that it is possible.

I'll share a good example that will prove the claim about what Mr. Sato says. It is a unique experience of a man, Mr. H who used to be a yakuza or a gangster. The reason why he decided to take Mr.Sato's workshop was that he just wanted to expose the evil of the workshop, because he thought it was fishy. His ex-wife happened to take the course and changed so much that Mr. H tried to reveal the secret of the suspicious seminar.

Apart from the reason, Mr.H was suffering from depression and repeatedly attempted suicide even though he was a member of a crime syndicate.

At first Mr. H disguised his disinterest and pretended to do the workshop, but as he went ahead with the program, his soul was gradually stirred. 

Finally, he couldn't control himself and cried out, "Mom, I love you. Dad, I love you!"
He found that he was filled with deep love from his parents and his tears were running down his cheeks. It was the moment when he met his true self. Then he completely looked different in his appearance.

On his way home after the seminar Mr. H met a traffic accident. It was a minor one, but what amazed Mr.H the most was his own reaction. He found that he was smiling and offered a handshake to the other person and unexpected words passed his lips, "I'm sorry." He normally never said "I'm sorry." or "Thank you." as a gang member.

Since he couldn't help but feel grateful to other people and said "thank you" and "I'm sorry" all the time, other gang members thought he went absolutely crazy. The gang group finally cut off contact with Mr. H, so he left the group without having any trouble.

Mr. Sato maintains that all the people have the true self within and when they discover it, the false self or the fictitious self disappears. As a result their personalities look completely different and they think they changed their personalities.Once someone makes a shift in consciousness, he will relate with different people. Mr. H's experience gives a clear explanation about it. It is just amazing.












