Thursday, February 12, 2015

Words that Evoke Your True Self


Hello, I'm Kazu who translates words of  Mr. Yasuyuki Sato into English. Mr. Sato has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside). On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Mr. Sato, as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

Today, I'll introduce an interesting experience of one Japanese woman who worked under Mother Teresa in India. It was about more than 20 years ago.

There were many volunteers from all over the world who lived in the same facility to help the impoverished people. There was an Italian woman who was prejudiced against Japanese and she disliked Japanese staff members.

The Japanese woman obtained a booklet entitled "the Affirmation To Attract Success and Happiness" written by Mr. Sato and she made a point of reading it aloud every morning with other Japanese staff as she liked it very much.

One morning, she just missed reading it, then the Italian woman asked her "Why you didn't read the usual thing?" The Japanese woman replied,"I thought you didn't like Japanese." Then the Italian said,"No, I don't like Japanese, but I feel a strong positive vibe from what you read every morning."

A short while later, the pandemic of the plague bacillus took place in the facility. So many people were infected and lost their lives, but none of the Japanese women who had been reading the booklet got infected.

When the Japanese woman came back to Japan, she visited Mr. Sato and said,"I'm very sure that the Affirmation kept us from infection of the plague. I'm truly grateful to you."

The Affirmation To Attract Success And Happiness is full of words that evokes your true nature deep inside. Those words suddenly came to Mr. Sato's mind out of thin air while he was walking in a night street, and he stopped under a lamppost and hastily took a note.

As those words imply universal significance, people can sense it beyond the barriers of language.

By the way, I held a small workshop of discovering the true self in English in Tokyo. This time people from the US, India, and France joined, and we all had a wonderful time. In the workshop, we also read this affirmation aloud together, then I felt the atmosphere of the room was cleared out. All the participants gave energetic smiles.

I was again convinced that all the people have one thing in common deep within regardless of what they have in their mind or what they experienced in the past.

Tomorrow, I'll introduce this Affirmation To Attract Success and Happiness!!













