Monday, February 16, 2015

Who is the strongest?


Hello, I'm Kazu who translates words of  Mr. Yasuyuki Sato into English. Mr. Sato has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside). On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Mr. Sato, as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

Who do you think is the strongest?
It might have been an invincible mighty warrior in the age of wars. Is it someone who is more than extremely wealthy and has extensive authority in modern times?

Mr. Sato says that the strongest person in the age to come is the one who has the most love.

For example, if there is a barbell that weighs 100kg, do you think you can lift it? Someone who has huge muscle power might be able to do it. Then, what if it weighs 500kg?

Mr. Sato often teaches people about the secret to lift a 500kg barbell, because he can easily do it!

He says, "If you are loved by all the people around you and respected by them, when you ask them to  help him lift the barbell, they will cooperate with you.

All you have to do is to say," Ready? One, two, three!" It will be quite easy for you to life a 500kg barbell with many people.

If you try to do it alone, you will surely have definite limits no matter how much you improve  muscle strength. You can achieve many goals if you win cooperation from many people.

Mr. Sato says the strongest person is not the one who brings down someone to defeat but the one who is love by all the people.

If you are surrounded by all the enemies, they might get in the way of things that you are doing. You may not be able to life even a 10kg barbell as they might get on it.

On the other hand, anything can be possible for you if you have many supporters who are charmed by you.

Tomorrow, I'll delve into what the strong person is all about.
               (To be continued...)













