Sunday, March 1, 2015

Three Kinds of Eyes.


Hello, I'm Kazu who translates words of Yasuyuki Sato into English. Mr. Sato has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside). On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Mr. Sato, as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

Mr. Sato maintains that we all have tree kinds of eyes.

One is the fleshly eyes. You normally see things and people through your physical eyes, but there are some real limitations in the fleshly eyes. If you only believe what you see through your eyes, you can't understand anything that you cannot see. You will also be swayed by others words easily.

The second one is mental eyes or the eyes of human mind. You will have a wider and deeper vision with the eyes of your mind. You will see something invisible, in other words, you will see what others think in their mind with your mental eyes.

The third one is the eyes of Truth, or the eyes of Love. The eye sight that lies in the deepest in you is made of love.

All the things and people are seen differently depending on which eyes you see with.

There is an interesting story of one couple.

The husband had been addicted to alcohol for a long time before getting married. As a result, he had been in and out of the hospital. His wife was worried about his health so much that she tried every means available. Sometimes she blamed him for drinking, but the more she blamed him, the more he drank. They found it difficult to break out of the vicious cycle.

To her physical eyes, her husband looked a man who kept drinking. However, when they face each other developing deep inside of their mind, something different emerged. The reason why he couldn't stop drinking was resulted from his emptiness.

His wife started to take a different action. She tried to fill his emptiness instead of blaming him. It surely made a difference.

But when they develop their consciousness much deeper and they finally attained their true nature, they could have a totally different vision. He was not a alcoholic or someone who wanted to fill the void but a man who is complete as he is. It was the moment when they could get the true picture of his condition with their eyes of Truth.

When you see things and people with your physical or mental eyes, those things and people can been seen as being problematic. Then you will treat them as a problem. In many cases your action can make the problem even bigger.

Mr. Sato says that when you see with the eyes of Truth, you will see everything is perfect and complete as it is. Your words and action will be accordingly different.

Once you open your eyes of Truth, your life will be different!















