Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Truth on Man and Woman


Hello, I'm Kazu who translates words of  Mr. Yasuyuki Sato into English. Mr. Sato has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside). On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Mr. Sato, as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

Mr. Sato offered a seminar entitled,"The Truth on Man and Woman" in Yaesu, Tokyo. Today was the first day of the 2-day seminar.

Mr. Sato demonstrates the true nature of human beings from a variety of angles. He not only get it into our head but also allows us to actually experience it. He also guides us until we carry it forward into our everyday life so that we can make a shift in life.

Today's subject is "man and woman" no less!

The #1 priority for single participants must be finding a right person, or a soul mate. And for married people like me it might be to improve the relationship with a spouse.

However, what we experience in his seminar is not just to have some superficial advice from Mr. Sato to improve the relations.

We perceive the importance of relations of man and woman from the view point of the system of the Universe. Mr. Sato  says that it is quite easy to grasp the details of man and woman once we discern the system of the Universe.

I could recognize the immense and vast purpose that the relationship of man and woman has!

There also happened an incredible thing among one family who joined this seminar. I witnessed an unbelievable sight on the first day today! I realized that soul mates have a more profound connection than the parent-child DNA. It was so impressive!!

I can't imagine what is going to happen next. Just wait till tomorrow!









