Sunday, February 8, 2015

”Miracle Rain Seminar” In Okinawa


Hello, I'm Kazu who translates words of  Mr. Yasuyuki Sato into English. Mr. Sato has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside). On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Mr. Sato, as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

Mr. Sato's seminar was held in Naha city in Okinawa today. The title was "Miracle Rain".

I've joined this same seminar several times, but it was too great for words today. People experienced the torrential Miracle Rain. Miracles happened one after another under my very eyes.

I just wondered if there has been such an incredible day anywhere anytime on the earth or in history.

Mr.Sato made a start with simple description of "the law of cause and effect" and "the law of god's mirror" that is the law of the truth of the universe.

He clearly illustrated the differences between them by using a metaphor of "a life on a railroad" that is so called karma or DNA based life. And the other one is "a life traveling freely across the prairie".

After participants saw the picture of it, Mr. Sato let them awaken to their true self, their deep true love inside one by one!

At first those who experienced for the first time had an absent look on their faces, but once they sit in front of Mr. Sato, they broke into outbursts of tears moved by their tremendously wonderful self inside.

After experiencing deep love and appreciation within ourselves, we got into a realm of bliss, perfect peaceful sensation of pleasure. All the participants made a big circle before we knew it without any instruction and expressed our feelings.

Many local people started to perform their folk dances of Okinawa in the center of the circles out of joy!! The room was full of excitement! They all seemed very happy. I realized what the true happiness was.

Mr. Sato finally mentioned,
" If you search for happiness, it means that you acknowledge the fact that you are not happy now. Your mind can decide anything, because it is all yours. All you have to do is to flip to a happy channel and feel happy Now no matter what condition you may face. Then your mind will attract happiness. It doesn't take time to become a winner of life."

All the participants seemed like different persons after having torrential Miracle Rain!!



今日は佐藤先生の「黄金の雨」セミナーが沖縄の那覇市内で開催されました! このセミナーも何度か参加したことがありますが、今日も言葉にならないくらいのスゴさで、黄金の雨がどしゃ降りでした!!目の前で本当に信じられないような奇跡がどんどん起こっていくのです!








