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Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”? You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.
Your True Self, your Best Self knows all the answers.
"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including all the natural elements.
Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.
Ever since I discovered my true self through a YS approach developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and now I myself offer the true self discovery seminars.
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・クローゼットの整理 などなど
Hello. I'm Kazu.
Your True Self, your Best Self knows all the answers.
"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including all the natural elements.
Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.
As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many people from different countries who had wonderful experiences by meeting their true self.
How To Spend A Day.
Thank you very much for reading my blog!!
I could have a tremendous time in Mr.Sato's lecture the day before yesterday. As I was basking in the afterglow of it, my plan was changed and I had nothing in particular to be planned for yesterday.
I smiled smugly and thought about how I could spend a day.
Then I came up with several ideas such as sleeping all day and relax, watching many recorded TV programs, going shopping...
Then, one idea came to my mind that is one of the exercises of the YS method. In the exercise, we write out things that we usually find difficult to accomplish and actually take action about them.
It was exactly opposite of what I first wanted to do. To be honest I wanted to lounge around in bed. But this exercise can erase or dispel your delusions that you can't do something by taking action.
Try out things that you couldn't do before, and you will have many findings or realization.
By the way the real intension of this exercise is slightly different from what I did, but I really felt like trying out things that I hadn't been able to do.
For example
・Clean up places that I normally leave undone.
・Rearrange my room.
・Reply to text messages that I have kept.
・Clean our garden.
・Tidy-up the things in a closet etc...
I found so many things that I had left undone, once I started to write them out.
I started with a thing that I least wanted to do. It was a small home carpentry. After finishing it in a few hours, I really felt GOOD. Then I did one task after another, and finally I could finish choosing a present for the father's day next weekend.
I really felt wonderful and refreshed!
This is very simple, but profoundly affects our perception of the ability to act.
In the seminar of True Self discovery we can actually experience the True Self or True Love inside, but in our daily life we also have to take action based upon our new realization.
I'd really like to try as many YS exercises as possible out of more than 1000 items.
Well, I felt really good and slept well last night.
Thank you very much for reading. Please click on the banners below. It will give me a tremendous boost to write a blog! ・Reply to text messages that I have kept.
・Clean our garden.
・Tidy-up the things in a closet etc...
I found so many things that I had left undone, once I started to write them out.
I started with a thing that I least wanted to do. It was a small home carpentry. After finishing it in a few hours, I really felt GOOD. Then I did one task after another, and finally I could finish choosing a present for the father's day next weekend.
I really felt wonderful and refreshed!
This is very simple, but profoundly affects our perception of the ability to act.
In the seminar of True Self discovery we can actually experience the True Self or True Love inside, but in our daily life we also have to take action based upon our new realization.
I'd really like to try as many YS exercises as possible out of more than 1000 items.
Well, I felt really good and slept well last night.