Sunday, January 4, 2015

Everything Originated From One Source, One Life.

There are billions of stars in the Galaxy. There are also billions of groups of stars like the Galaxy in the macrocosm. We are living on the planet earth which is in the infinite universe.

Everything belongs to the universe, and even we, human beings are the universe itself. There is nothing but the universe and everything is created by just one same energy, or one life.

The energy of the universe is god itself that is the eternal life and the life of wholeness. The eternal life is the Being of the universe that has no future or past. A life of wholeness is an eternal life.

It is easy to understand that everything originated from one life when you think the life as water. As the earth is often cited as aqua planet, you can find water all over. Not only in the river or sea, you can also find water in the body of animals and plants. 70%of our body is made of water. There is much water even in the woods. The sun evaporates water, and the water turns its form into vapor. Then a mass of vapor becomes cloud in the sky. When the cloud becomes thick, it starts to rain. The rain water goes into the ground and it merges into river and lake. Animals and plants absorb the water from there. Rivers go into the ocean, and again the water becomes vapor. This circulation has been kept for billions of years.

The life of god is light itself. When the light goes through a prism, it is separated into various colors. What we see is just one color originated from one light. This means our true nature is god itself, the universe itself. Everything is one. What matters is just to experience the fact by yourself.
   (to be continued..)







