Saturday, June 27, 2015

神次元発想 A Conceptual Breakthrough.

(See below for the English version.)


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Hello. I'm Kazu. 
Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, your Best Self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my true self through a YS approach developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and now I myself offer the true self discovery seminars. 

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many people from different countries who had wonderful experiences by meeting their true self.

A Conceptual Breakthrough.

Thank you very much for reading my blog!

Today, I'd like to share a groundbreaking view that Yasuyuki Sato has.

His unique way of thinking differs substantially from what we normally have.

He always thinks from the perspective of wholeness, in other words he starts from the gaol. It might sound paradoxical, but it always produces incredible results. 

It's not like that you start something once you set a form first. Or it is not like to launch a project after paving the way for it well. What he always does is to start something first and find a way from its result. Take action first and see from it.

Recently I was very amazed at his advice to a man who asked Mr. Sato about how to select members to hold an important position. He showed his idea first. He said that he was going to offer an exam to those who he thought to have an enough ability. Then people who pass the exam will be assigned to the task. I think it is quite normal way of thinking.

However, Mr. Sato said that it is important to think from the wholeness. It means that he assigns some people who want to do the task first, and then he can check who will do what. He may be able to discover unexpected potential of personnel. 

When I was listening to their conversation, I was convinced that now is the time we really have a conceptual breakthrough without having fixed ideas or stereotypes.

Thank you very much for reading. Please click on the banners below. It will give me a tremendous boost to write a blog! 

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