Thursday, May 28, 2015

この一瞬!It Happens In A Second.

(See below for the English version.)


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にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ 自分磨きへ


Hello. I'm Kazu. 
Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, your Best Self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my true self through a YS approach developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and now I myself offer the true self discovery seminars. 

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many people from different countries who had wonderful experiences by meeting their true self.

It Happens In A Second.

Whenever I offer workshops or seminars to discover the True Self, I am so much moved by people's true love inside and I think it is one of the most touching moment for me.

It is because I witness firsthand the surprising changes of people the moment they meet their own true love within.

This is what happened the other day in a workshop.

There was a woman who had long held grudge against her mother.

The woman said that she thanked her mother in mind but she couldn't really feel grateful to her mother no matter what she did for her.

She actually had bad human relationships with other people and she knew that it had something to do with the strained relationship with her mother. 

She looked out of spirits and depressed.

However she was very serious and worked very hard on the exercise in the workshop.

At first it was a little difficult for her to uncover her true self or her true deep love inside as just a trivial word that her mother had said to her long long time ago kept her doing it.

I encouraged her to keep going and waited for her achievement. 

It was just like waiting for a childbirth.

She still looked very difficult to keep doing and became slightly labored.

It happened the moment when she came to me to say, "I can't do it..."

All of a sudden, her deep True Love, her True Self inside emerged and she experienced it!!

She burst out tears!!

She instantly looked different with gentle eyes and said," I didn't know how much my mother loved me!"

I always think that it surely is the most heartfelt moment for me, and any other movies or TV dramas can't move and inspire me more than this real drama unfolded in front of me.

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