Monday, April 27, 2015

やる気スイッチ! A Switch To Turn You On!

(See below for the English version.)




























Hello. I'm Kazu. 
Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, your Best Self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my true self through a YS approach developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and now I myself offer the true self discovery seminars. 

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many wonderful experiences of people from different countries.

A Switch To Turn You On!

Mr. Sato developed the True Self counseling approach which is based on YS Method that only focuses on the True Self that lies deep inside. It doesn't cope with people's words or emotions which often change.

This True Self counseling approach has produced profound results such as healing people who had suffered from depression for a very long time.

However, I found that this can also be used not only for counseling but for anything in any situations.

Now I teach English to a grade student via Skype once a week. I use the YS counseling approach when I teach English to him.

 As children are very honest and simple, it is quite easy for me to recognize whether or not it works well.

So it is a very good practice for me as a counseling session, though he never recognize it..

He is originally very honest and wonderful, but I often find his mood swings as he is still a child.

Yesterday he was a little down as he had a big fall in a schoolyard and hurt his hand.

At the beginning, he was with about 30% of motivation.

What I did first was just to listen to him so that he could vent inner feelings or what he held back before studying English.

While I am listening, I always become careful not to break in on his talk. 

When I sometimes interrupt his talking and tried to encourage him, he simply shows that he lost his drive.

It is just the way I learned through the course of the True Self counseling. This really works and I could find his face turned out energetic.

This step to vent feelings is very important, even though it takes a little time.

After that, we actually started to learn English words, and read some books, but I still try to  keep focusing on his True Self or his good points and tell them to him.

This process really motivates him.

I'm always surprised to see immense potential that children have inside.

Yesterday he easily memorized the whole two books!! It was amazing!

I was really astonished to see his limitless ability. People can show it once the switch is turned on.

Thank you for reading. See you again tomorrow!