Thursday, April 30, 2015

新しい娯楽! Fun To Explore Your New Self!

(See below for the English version.)


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クリエイティブライフ ブログランキングへ  にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ 自分磨きへ

Hello. I'm Kazu. 
Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, your Best Self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my true self through a YS approach developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and now I myself offer the true self discovery seminars. 

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many people from different countries who had wonderful experiences by meeting their true self.

Fun To Explore Your New Self!

Long-awaited Golden Week holidays have finally come!

Have you made plans for the holidays?

Many of you might have made various plans such as traveling, watching a film, going for shopping, or sitting around at home, etc...

I do love traveling, and even just thinking about the destination makes me feel excited!

It's so fun for me to find something new, enjoy local food, or meet new people both at home and abroad.

Although I really enjoy traveling and gourmet meals, my greatest pleasure is to find my new self!

Of course, it is nice to find something new at a new place, but  there is more pleasure in finding my new self when facing the same thing or people.

It is said that it is because we all have an instinct that we want to develop ourselves.

I think that happiness that is ascribed to physical matters quickly fade away, but happiness that we feel through our personal growth lasts much much longer.

I have an unforgettable memory that I had through meeting my True Self. It was just impressive!

When I discovered my True Self, the same things or people were seen totally differently.

At that time I could realize the true nature of my mother, in other words I met her authentic love that is not the same as human love.

I deeply felt grateful for her and I wept floods of tears.

Before that I thanked her for what she did for me, but when she showed rather domineering love, I felt disgusted.

However,I could realized that I totally had taken her the wrong way.

I became very very grateful just for her being my mother and bringing me to the world.

I had never experienced such a feeling before.

After a few days, I actually met my mother to have lunch together. As soon as I saw her, I felt as if I hadn't seen her for  decades though I met her a week before.

I was about to burst out crying and had an urge to hug her, but I fought my impulse as I didn't want to surprise her with my queer behavior.

Later I could express my deep gratitude to my parents. At first I felt shy to do that, but it was so good for me that I could tell it to them while they are alive.

I was convinced that it is our mind that determines our happiness no matter where we are.

Thank you very much for reading and see you tomorrow!

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

過去を書き変える! Change Your Past!

(See below for the English version.)




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クリエイティブライフ ブログランキングへ

にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ 自分磨きへ            







































Hello. I'm Kazu. 
Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, your Best Self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my true self through a YS approach developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and now I myself offer the true self discovery seminars. 

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many wonderful experiences of people from different countries.

Change Your Past!

What if you can change your past? Mr. Sato says that your future will remain the same unless you change your past.

Yesterday I could witness people who actually changed their past as well as their future!

There was a form held by YS Mental Health Clinic that offers treatments to patients who suffer from various kinds of mental sickness without prescribing medicine.

Participants included people who had cured their mental sickness through this YS method and doctors from other mental health clinics.

The venue was packed with a lot of audience. But at first glance it didn't look like a forum held by a mental health clinic.

Because it was filled with cozy and cheerful atmosphere.

Moreover, there was a group of people who looked more lively and breezy in the place.

To my surprise, they were people who actually cured illness! 

They were sitting on front reserved seats as they stood ready to give their speech.

In that clinic, people cure their mental sickness with their own restoration force after bringing up their True Self without using medicine.

After a doctor of the clinic offered brief description of the cause of getting sickness and the mechanism of mind, people who actually cured their mental sickness shared their experiences before the audience.

People who had suffered from various kinds of mental sickness such as depression, schizophrenia, multiple personality...etc came to the stage to share their experiences one after another.

It was full of surprises!!

One woman who had become depressed because of strained human relationship with her mother-in-law and used large quantities of medicine, completely cured it within a couple of months.

She said that she even hadn't been able to get out of bed. But she looked just cheerful and bright. She now enjoys running a marathon!!

All the experiences were filled with laughter and tears. Each story was so much miraculous, and has its own drama with different sets, characters, and scripts.

One thing which amazed me the most was that most of those people collectively said, "I am fortunate that I suffered depression."

Because they said that they could have changed their past as well as their future for the much much better. 

When a matter takes place, whether it is sickness or an accident, there is always a cause of it. 

The cause can be divided into two, one is the root cause and the other is the environmental cause that directly triggered the matter.

In most cases the root cause results from the relationship with parents.

However, people can change the both of the root cause and the environmental cause at the same time by discovering their True Self within, because there is no such cause and effect in the realm of the universal Truth that is one with our true self inside.

It is the natural healing force which every individual has!

It's been just one year or so since the clinic opened, but I was definitely convinced that this groundbreaking method will spread to the world in the near future.

Yesterday I was really moved by the power that human beings originally have!

Thank you very much for reading. See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

自分の成長  My Personal Growth.

(See below for the English version.)

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クリエイティブライフ ブログランキングへ

にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ 自分磨きへ                                                                                                    
























読んでいただいてありがとうございます。ポチッとご協力おねがいします!! ではまた明日!

Hello. I'm Kazu. 
Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, your Best Self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my True Self, Shinga in Japanese through a YS approach developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and now I myself offer the true self discovery seminars. 

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many wonderful experiences of people from different countries.

My Personal Growth

Yesterday I had an opportunity to visit a nursery school as I received an offer from a local municipality to help a Filipino woman who can't speak Japanese.

I served as an interpreter at a parent-teacher's meeting for a class of three-year old children.

I spent an hour with young parents and teachers while we perched on a tiny chair that three-year old children normally use.

When their homeroom teacher finished talking, parents started to share their worries about their children.

The young mothers who dressed up neatly with beautiful makeup and fashion nails started to tell one worry after another.

Such worries ranged from "My daughter walks around while eating." to "My son still wears diapers". They were just adorable.

Having heard their speaking, I had a strange feeling. I mean I felt that they were just all right. I was sure that they had no problem.

It was not because those worries were not so big, but I just found they were just showing their love in different forms. I could find that there was nothing but love.

It was amazing to me.

Then I looked back my past and remembered numerous memories about my own children.

Back then I also had so many worries about them, and such worries transformed as time went by from the amount of milk they consumed to the amount of time they played video games.

I remember that I had felt being surrounded by many walls and stuck in there. 

But now there are no walls around me as if there hadn't been such things from the beginning...

It is just wondrous why all my worries had gone after discovering my True Self, but I think that it is because we can make a shift in our perspective as we make a huge leap from human to the universal consciousness.

Then when we take different action based upon the new perspective, the reality or phenomena that we face accordingly change. 

Yesterday sitting on a tiny chair brought back memories of my old days and I could recognized my own personal growth.

Thank you for reading and see you again tomorrow! 

Monday, April 27, 2015

やる気スイッチ! A Switch To Turn You On!

(See below for the English version.)




























Hello. I'm Kazu. 
Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, your Best Self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my true self through a YS approach developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and now I myself offer the true self discovery seminars. 

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many wonderful experiences of people from different countries.

A Switch To Turn You On!

Mr. Sato developed the True Self counseling approach which is based on YS Method that only focuses on the True Self that lies deep inside. It doesn't cope with people's words or emotions which often change.

This True Self counseling approach has produced profound results such as healing people who had suffered from depression for a very long time.

However, I found that this can also be used not only for counseling but for anything in any situations.

Now I teach English to a grade student via Skype once a week. I use the YS counseling approach when I teach English to him.

 As children are very honest and simple, it is quite easy for me to recognize whether or not it works well.

So it is a very good practice for me as a counseling session, though he never recognize it..

He is originally very honest and wonderful, but I often find his mood swings as he is still a child.

Yesterday he was a little down as he had a big fall in a schoolyard and hurt his hand.

At the beginning, he was with about 30% of motivation.

What I did first was just to listen to him so that he could vent inner feelings or what he held back before studying English.

While I am listening, I always become careful not to break in on his talk. 

When I sometimes interrupt his talking and tried to encourage him, he simply shows that he lost his drive.

It is just the way I learned through the course of the True Self counseling. This really works and I could find his face turned out energetic.

This step to vent feelings is very important, even though it takes a little time.

After that, we actually started to learn English words, and read some books, but I still try to  keep focusing on his True Self or his good points and tell them to him.

This process really motivates him.

I'm always surprised to see immense potential that children have inside.

Yesterday he easily memorized the whole two books!! It was amazing!

I was really astonished to see his limitless ability. People can show it once the switch is turned on.

Thank you for reading. See you again tomorrow!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

最悪は最高 !? The Worst Is The Best!?


Hello, I'm Kazu. Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, the most wonderful self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my true self through a seminar developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and I myself got a qualification to offer the true self discovery seminar.

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many wonderful experiences of people from different countries who actually met their true nature.

Recently I have been writing the story of Miyo Sasaki on my blog, and I myself had many realizations through it.

I found that I still had a tendency that I judged matters as right or wrong, or decided whether I could do or not unconsciously. 

All those thoughts resulted from my past experiences, and the truth was that I have a limitless potential within me.

Mr. Sato says that you can live your life with total freedom just like you paint what you like on a white canvas. I think I could understand the meaning of his words better now.

And what's more, I was convinced that the worst is the best in life. When we face a difficult matter, we strive hard to solve it, but the matter itself gives us a chance to make a shift in consciousness.

The day before yesterday I receive an email from an American man who was interested in what I posted on an Internet site and we decided to get together to share our views yesterday.

He was from N.Y. and actually graduated from Harvard university. He was a very gentle and warmhearted man, but had a very difficult problem.

However he lives in a very forward-facing manner and he's rather taken a big action to transform the society of this country. He said that he felt the matter was an assignment given to him. 

I was very impressed by what he is doing and also I felt all the harsh situation helps him bring out his maximum potential.

I thought it's just so nice if we can regard the worst matter as the best one on a daily basis...






















Saturday, April 25, 2015

究極のドキュメンタリー 11   Ultimate Documentary 11


Hello, I'm Kazu. Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, the most wonderful self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my true self through a seminar developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and I myself got a qualification to offer the true self discovery seminar. 

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many wonderful experiences of people from different countries who actually met their true nature.

This is a continued story of Miyo Sasaki (fictitious name) who faces ongoing problem. I've been writing how she solves her problem through exploring her true self.

During the conversation with Mr. Sato, Miyo realized so many facts that she found that her problem had just gone as if she awakened from a dream.

To solve a problem by discovering the true self or true love doesn't mean that you strive hard to solve it by finding the cause of the problem, but means that you make a quantum leap to the realm of the cosmic consciousness where there is nothing but true love.

That is what Mr. Sato calls the Law of the God's Mirror.

Miyo said to Mr.Sato,
"'True Self' is very amazing. It is just wondrous and incredible. No matter how much you hold grudge against someone, it will turn out gratitude immediately once you realize the Truth of the Universe.

I really feel sorry for my husband's mother, because I totally got her wrong. 

Actually I hated her more and more as her behavior overlapped with my past memories. I was really at a loss what to do.

However, what she had taught me completely changed my perspective of life. I was still trying to figure out the cause of the problem to solve it even though I could discover my true self. I'm now full of gratitude for her."

 Mr. Sato added to Miyo,
"What you had realized was marvelous! I really want you to have a hight regard for her. 

Miyo, there is one more thing which is very important to you. It is to tell your husband about your gratitude for his mother as many times as possible.

Even if you can't find any change in her, just hold on to that stance and always make your mind full of appreciation for her. 

That's the way to live with your true self, not to live with your false self that explores the cause and effect of the matter. "

Miyo's heart was overwhelmed with gratitude for Mr. Sato as well as all the people around her with tears in her eyes.
                                   (To be continued...)






















Wednesday, April 22, 2015

子どもを捨てる!? Let Go of Your Child!?


Hello, I'm Kazu. Have you ever thought about ”who you really are”?  You might sometimes wonder what you actually want to do in life, even though you strive hard for your better life.

Your True Self, the most wonderful self knows all the answers.

"The true self" here doesn't mean your true feeling or real intention that is often compared with stated reasons, but the authentic self that is united as one with life of everything in the whole universe including  all the natural elements.

Therefore, of course it is common for all humanity. It is the most wonderful self that lies deep down within you.

Ever since I discovered my true self through a seminar developed by Yasuyuki Sato, I have experienced so many changes in life, and I myself got a qualification to offer the true self discovery seminar. 

As I present workshops both in Japanese and English, I have witnessed many wonderful experiences of people from different countries who actually met their true nature.

When I first met Mr. Sato, my main concern was about my children. 

Back then, I firmly believed that one of the essential conditions for success was to have a high academic background, so I pushed my children to study very hard so as to let them to have a satisfying life.

However my worries came from the gap between my desire and what my children really wanted. Whenever I asked advise from Mr. Sato about child-raising, he encouraged me to let go of my children, in other words, to let go of my attachment to my children.

I felt like what I had been doing was precisely the opposite of what he said.

What Mr. Sato advocated was to let go of everything about the children in mind, not like to let go partially. 

He told me to make up my mind not to worry about my children whatever they might choose even if they become homeless.

It is true that wild animals don't pay too much attention to their cubs like we do, because it goes along with the law of mother nature. Only human parents may hamper the child development in many cases. 

He continued that if we could make up our mind to let go of them to that extent in our mind, children would rather grow up to be a good and resilient person.

He also simply explained how a good way of child-raising by using a metaphor of flowering.  

Essential conditions to have beautiful flowers in bloom are sunshine, soil, water, and fertilizer. 

The sunshine here means good relationship of mother and father. The soil means respect for parents and ancestors. Respecting ancestors is to create rich ground.

Water means parents' behavior which is honest and open-minded. It is also important to have a good communication with each other.

Lastly, fertilizer implies praise children, especially when they rather made a mistake or failed. You can teach them that they can learn a lot more through the experience of failure than success.

You shouldn't mold them into your own liking or shouldn't have a strong desire about their future. Otherwise you may discourage their initiative. All you have to do is to praise your child while you let go of your attachment to them.

It will be great if we can carry through such a way of child-raising. It is just wonderful if we can recognize our own children as perfect existence all the time.



















